Russian sabers of Kazakh Batyrs

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The article dwells upon problems of cooperation between Russia and Kazakh people in military sphere in XVIII-XIX centuries. It discovers the example of including Russian sabers in the Kazakh nomads arms and armor complex. Main sources of Russian sabers for Kazakhstan are described as: diplomatic gifts, «tsar's allowance», smuggling trade and official arms sales. Authors have outlined that during the described existence of an official arms sales period it's recipients totally have been changed. It were Kazakh aristocracy representatives during the XVIII century who have taken Russian citizenship. They have received Russian sabers as allowance gifts from Russian emperor. During the E. Pugachev uprising at the end of XVIII century, local people from border territories between Russia and Kazakhstan have sell Russian sabers to Kazakh warriors. During the XIX century Kazakh forces which have fought on a Russian side (against rebels, Khiva and Kokand) have been provided with Russian made sabers. In 1856-1859 Russian government officially allowed Kazakh military aristocracy to wear statutory models of Russian sabers. Total number of Russian made sabers in Kazakhstan was lower than the number of sabers imported from Central Asia, but authors marked a growing popularity of such weapon among Kazakh warriors of that time. The reason was a prestigiousness of Russian weapon.


Russia, kazakhstan, sabers, arms and armor, side arms, blade arms

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IDR: 14737883

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