The growth of far east types in SibSU's tree nursery

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The work purpose is studying phenotypic varia-bility of biometric indicators of Far East introduced species, such as Manchurian apricot, Amur cork tree, Ginnal's maple, Amur and Manchurian lin-dens. Attracting new (foreign regional) species con-tributes to the enrichment of arbor flora and im-proves the efficiency of generated urban ecosys-tems, acts in specific environmental conditions. The researches were conducted in a tree nursery of Siberian State University of Science and Technolo-gies named after academician M.F. Reshetnev lo-cated in a green zone of Krasnoyarsk, according to forest vegetation division into districts, on the joint of the Chulymo-Ketsky South taiga region of dark-coniferous forests and the East Sayansk mountain and taiga region of the pine and cedar and fir woods. The choice of these types is caused by the prospects of their introduction to culture, adaptation stability in these conditions. It is also known that the plants of Far Eastern flora are valued for fast growth, high aesthetic and sanitary and hygienic properties. As phenotypic indicators of individual variability of plants height, the diameter of the trunk, crown defined at each plant in biogroup were cho-sen. At some plants endogenous variability by the sizes of leaf plates was studied. It is established that for the main biometric indicators of introduced species average and high levels of variability of signs are characteristic. It is revealed that the ma-jority of types is in vital form, characteristic for them, and has biometric indicators typical for these plants. The types which reach the same sizes as in natural conditions are given. Biological groups hav-ing the best growth in these ecological conditions, perspective for the reproduction for the purpose of replenishment of the collection of a tree nursery and other points of introduction are selected.


Height, plant diameter, arboretum, introduced varieties

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224351

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