Layers' Repairing rearing birds growth and development when using adsorbent «Toksinon»

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The directed cultivation of rearing birds' growth of agricultural birds is the most important link of technological process of eggs production on which correct organization of poultry farming success considerably depends. The studying of the influ-ence of ToksiNon feed additive on the energy of growth and safety of rearing birds of laying hens was the purpose of the study. The study had the tasks to track changes of live mass of a bird, to cal-culate absolute, average daily and relative gain to compare the safety of young growth. Scientific and economic experiment was made in the conditions of Bogotol poultry farm enterprise of Krasnoyarsk region. Four groups of young growth of layers of cross-country "Highsex brown" at the age of 10 weeks up to 70 heads were created by the principle of analogs. The bird was supported in the shop of young growth in cellular KBU-3 batteries up to 10 heads in a cage. The control group received the main diet. The birds of three experimental groups received in addition to the main diet ToksiNon feed additive in the dose of 0.5; 0.15 and 0.25 % of the mass of compound feed according to 10 to 20-weeks of age. The researches and data processing were carried out by the standard techniques. Posi-tive influence of ToksiNon feed additive on the en-ergy of growth of rearing birds of layers was estab-lished. The analysis of growth of live weight showed positive dynamics, i.e. the young growth of the 3rd experimental group surpassed control group on a pure gain for 14.32 % (P


Repairing rearing birds, layers, feeding, safety, live weight, gain, "toksinon", sorbent, feed additive, poultry farming

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IDR: 14084799

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