Growth of different forms of Pinus sylvestris L. on marshy soils of the northern taiga

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The study of form diversity of Pinus sylvestris L. allows you to explore the problem of heredity and variation in micro-evolutionary processes of forest tree species. The aim of this work is to study the growth of different forms of pine under constant excessive moisture soils of northern taiga (the low-er reaches of the Northern Dvina). A comparative evaluation of morphometric parameters and studied the variability of radial growth of different forms of pine. It was found that the «swamp» form is con-siderably inferior to the growth of the «regular» pine for the main morphometric parameters. The abso-lute value of the radial growth and growth indexes. «Normal» pine has higher rates of radial annual growth (2 times). Selected forms are sensitive to environmental factors and have similar distribution of the indices of growth and «extreme» growth val-ues. This indicates the similarity of these reactions forms on changes in climatic and other conditions.


Inus sylvestris l, morphometric parameters, radial growth, "ordinary" and "swamp" forms, constant excessive moisture, northern taiga

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IDR: 14084540

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