The foundation of Graeco-Bactria

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When trying to settle the exact date of the Diodotus I’s secession from the Seleucids, one tends to conclude that Bactria seceded around 250 BC. However, this date gives serious rise to doubts. First, according to the Edict of the Indian king Ashoka, independent Bactria did not yet exist in 253-249 BC. Second, the Second Syrian War was successful for the Seleucids, therefore in 253-246 BC they could easily suppress any secessionist action in the East. Third, the fact of issuance of the Antiochus’ commemorative coins of would rather indicate, that he exercised effective control over Bactria until the end of his reign (246 BC), and was later honored by the local Greeks as the legitimate sovereign. The birth of an independent Graeco-Bactria was only possible during the early years of the Third Syrian War (246-241 BC) due to the abrupt weakening of the Seleucid state.


Graeco-bactria, diodotus i, antiochus ii, seleucus ii

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