Russian Arctic increases with islands

Автор: Lukin Yury F.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social science. Political science. Economics

Статья в выпуске: 18, 2015 года.

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Relevance of the topic is defined by the fact that neither the Russian Empire nor the Soviet Union nor the Russian Federation have passed a law that defines the status, composition and the borders of the Russian Arctic, both on land and in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. It is necessary to find system solutions for a number of urgent problems of the Arctic management modernization: 1) monitoring of Russian islands in the Arctic Ocean, administrative, legal and environmental responsibility for the departmental use of their lands and adjacent water area; 2) adoption of the basic federal law "The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation"; 3) effective functioning of the Government Commission on the Arctic; 4) development of interregional integration institutes; 5) implementation of state program "Socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic for the period up to 2020"; 6) transition to project management, the formation of the portfolio of the Arctic projects; 7) the possibility of establishing the Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Arctic, Arctic state commercial bank.


Russian Arctic, islands, the basic federal law "Arctic zone of the Russian Federation", the Arctic management, ministry, interregional integration, the state program, Arctic projects, portfolio, banks

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IDR: 148318742

Список литературы Russian Arctic increases with islands

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  • Gubernator Murmanskoj oblasti Marina Kovtun: Kazhdyj arkticheskij region Rossii vnosit svoj unikal'nyj vklad v realizatsiyu natsional'nykh interesov strany v Аrktike. 18.11.2014. [Govenor of the Murmansk region: Every Arctic region of Russia contributes to the implementation of the national interests of the country in the Arctic 18.11.2014] Available at: (accessed 21 November 2014).
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