The Russian world in the optics of juxtaposition philosophical and artistic reflection

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The topic of this article is driven by explicit irreducibility. concepts and essence of the Russian world to political science discourse and journalistic pathos. The versatility of the Russian experience of compre hending the problems of meaning in life appears in Russian culture as intellectual and moral asceticism in the sphere of spiritual and creative quests. The content capacity and intonation richness of the philosophical and artistic creative polylogue around the phenomenality of the Russian world testify to the influence on the spiritual and moral quest of Russian thinkers and artists (in the broad sense) of such a mental feature as “original Russian maximalism” (Karsavin). It was important for the author of the article to show that the two century polylogue around the value and semantic foundations of the Russian world is inseparable from such a tradition of national culture as the conjugation of philosophical, theological and artistic and aesthetic thoughts about the goals of the cultural and historical path of Russia and the characteristics of national self awareness.


Russian world, Russia, philosophical and artistic reflection

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IDR: 144163093   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-3119-68-73

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