Samara. VI historical and archival forum "Memories of the past - 2017" To the 100 anniversary of the Russian revolutions in 2017. Report on the "Literature and revolutions" by the head of the conference section

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On April 19, 2017 the Department of the Russian, Foreign Literature and Methods of Teaching Literature of the Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education organized the meeting of the conference section "Literature and Revolutions" in the Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library (the book museum). The meeting was held within the VI historical and archival forum «Memories of the Past - 2017» devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolutions. Oleg Mikhaylovich Buranok (Dr. of Philology, Dr. of pedagogical sciences, Professor, the Head of the Department of the Russian, Foreign Literature and Methods of Teaching Literature of the Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education) was the head of section. Maria Aleksandrovna Vybornova (Cand.of Hist.Sc., Associate Professor, Academic Secretary of the Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library) was the section moderator.


Historical and archival forum in samara, section "literature and revolution", report on work

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