Selection work with hazelnuts abroad and in Russia

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The purpose of the study is to consider the directions of selection work with hazelnuts and to identify the main sources of valuable traits. The results of introduction and selection work with hazelnut culture abroad and in Russia are shown. In breeding work, the use of species hazels to increase resistance to diseases, early maturity, productivity, winter hardiness, self-fertility, and periodicity of fruiting played a significant role. Interspecific hybridization and hybridization of the best European varieties with local varieties has found the greatest application. The following wild species were used in breeding: C. americana, C. avellana, C. colurna, C. cornuta, C. heterophylla, C. mandshurica and others. At present, there are main directions of hazelnut breeding and the main sources of breeding-valuable traits have been selected: for winter hardiness - Bol'shoj Sharovidnyj, Gustav, Kosford, Kunce-myullere, Sikler, Tambovskij Rannij, Tambovskij Pozdnij, Pushkinskij Krasnyj, Pervenec; for winter hardiness, productivity and relatively late flowering - Luiza, Kadetten, Gubenskij, Gunslebenskij, Pushechnoe Yadro, Chudo Bol'villera; for high productivity - Adygejskij-1, Cherkesskij-2, Nottingemskij, Kudryavchik, Lombardskij Belyj, Luiza, Kadetten, Gubenskij, Gunslebenskij, Chudo Bol'villera, Pushechnoe Yadro; for resistance to diseases and pests - Garibal'di, Gubenskij; for large-fruitedness - Ispolinskij Novyj, Rimskij. An important point in breeding work was the selection of new varieties from natural populations. Currently, breeding and varietal studies are actively conducted in China, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Romania, Australia, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, and the Baltic states. Annual production of nuts is 550-650 thousand tons. Of these, 2/3 (350-450 thousand tons) is in Turkey. Some of the new varieties are selected as a result of natural mutagenesis and preserved through vegetative propagation. In Russia, the main centers of hazelnut cultivation are located in the Crimea, the Krasnodar Region, the Republics of Dagestan and Chechnya, and North Ossetia. Fundamentals of breeding work on hazelnut in Russia were laid by I.V. Michurin, I.S. Gorshkov, S.K. Chaplaev, A.S. Yablokov, R.F. Kurasheva.


Hazelnuts, hazel, breeding, variety study, varieties, state register

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IDR: 140295605   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2022-7-28-35

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