Selective properties of semiconductor plasma inhomogeneous layer

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From the perspective of modern physics semiconductors represent the plasma, fully ionizer zed, but on average, electrically neutral gas. Semiconductor plasma has a number of specific ski features compared with gaseous plasma. First of all, the possibility of existence at very low temperatures down to absolute zero and a high concentration of particles. Moreover, this electrodynamic environment has properties of high-pass filter. In this paper, based on the trim account of the differential equation for the reflection coefficient was able to obtain the frequency characteristics of attenuation for inhomogeneous plasma layers at different angles of incidence of the electromagnetic wave. The problem for the homogeneous layer at various angles of incidence of the wave, as well as for the parabolic and linear layers with different angle of incidence of the polarized wave. The analysis of the frequency characteristics of attenuation in the passband, and lane keeping. It is shown that the design of microwave filters range it is best to use a frequency characteristic of the attenuation introduced by the semiconductor layer of plasma with a parabolic profile of the electron concentration. This characteristic has a large slew rate, transition region, compared with a linear profile, and less attenuation in the passband, compared with a uniform profile


Semiconductor plasma inhomogeneous layer, the method of differential sweep, reflection coefficient, transition region, filter attenuation, bandpass filter, band filter retention

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IDR: 140191734

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