The rural intellectuals of Western Siberia in the end of XIX – early XX century: the dynamics of population and professional structure

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The changes in total number and occupational pattern of the rural intellectuals, which occurred on the territory of Tobolsk and Tomsk provinces, Akmola region at the end of 1880–1914, are considered in the article. The parameters of the steady growth of the number of main categories of rural intellectuals in the region (teachers, medical workers, Orthodox clergymen, agronomists and veterinarians, parish and village clerks) are determined on the basis of the data of the mass censuses and current statistics of the population. The dynamics of the distribution of the representatives of these groups of intellectuals on the subregions of West Siberia is characterized.


Western siberia, конец xix - начало xx в., village, intellectuals, teaching, medical workers, agronomists, veterinarians, clerks, end of xix - early xx centuries, clergymen

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IDR: 147218947

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