Rural tourism in Khakassia: experience of formation, problems and prospects

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The paper is devoted to the study of rural tourism in the Republic of Khakassia as a complex of tourist and recreational activities in rural areas associated with outdoor recreation and involvement in traditional agriculture and peasant way of life. The purpose of the study is to analyze the experience and main problems of the development of rural (agrarian) tourism in the Republic of Khakassia to identify the prospects and feasibility of developing this area. The objectives of research are to identify the potential for agrotourism growth in the development of rural areas of Khakassia; to assess the role and importance of public and private initiatives in promoting rural tourism in the Republic; to characterize the experience and various practices of developing agrotourism in certain areas of Khakassia. The paper uses an interdisciplinary approach, principles of objectivity, historicism and analogy, statistical methods, interviews with agricultural producers, which allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the problems and prospects for the expansion of rural tourism in the Republic. Agritourism in Khakassia began to develop in the 21st century, when agricultural producers began to consider it as an additional source of income and achievement of a higher standard and quality of life. Rural tourism is a combination of a wide range of different types of tourism that are based on the use of historical, cultural, natural and other resources of rural areas. The authors of the study came to the conclusion that agritourism can increase the profitability of farms, improve the socio-economic and cultural indicators of rural areas, increase interest in rural work and life, the traditional way of life of the population. At the same time, in Khakassia, agritourism is in the formation stage, since a number of restrictions of personnel, infrastructure, and financial nature do not allow it to become a leading sector of the tourism business.


Rural tourism, rural areas, problems of rural tourism, potential of agritourism, republic of khakassia

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140307669   |   DOI: 10.36718/2500-1825-2024-4-84-94

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