Semantics and functioning of the adjective ‘alone’ in short stories by Ray Bradbury

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The adjective ‘alone’ is one of the main lexical patterns that represent the concept ‘loneliness’ in English. The article studies this adjective from the point of view of semantics and functioning in the texts written by Ray Bradbury. Different dictionaries and thesauri give the meaning of the word ‘alone’, and it helps to distinguish different types of loneliness itself. All three types are illustrated by the English texts. The article also analyses examples of additional meanings (i.e. time, space) that influence and extend the main meaning of the word ‘alone’. There are also examples of synonyms and collocations that form the meaning and accentuate functioning of the adjective in English language.


Рилагательное alone, semantics, concept, loneliness, djective "alone"

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IDR: 147153960

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