Semasiological metatextual indicators as a system

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The article is dedicated to the semasiological metatextual indicators, commenting words in discourse; it continues to develop the ideas which were originally introduced in our article for the 75th anniversary of N. A. Luk'yanova (at The Person of Her Word seminar). The author, however, pays attention to the semasiological metatextual indicators not only in semanticо-pragmatic aspects, but systematic aspects as well. The author studies the type of metatextual indicators, which have the model « in + adjective+ sense / meaning of a word » and explicate the speaker’s reflection on various aspects of semantic of a word-topic. Аt present there doesn't exist a systematic description of the semasiological metatextual indicators. The purpose of our article is to consider the system relations between them. Using the modern methods of linguistic research we have obtained the following results. The analysis of the corpus of the semasiological metatextual indicators lets us come to the conclusion that one can regularly observe such systematic relations between them as synonymous, additional, or variative on the expression plane of meta-indicators. A significant part of the article focuses on three types of the variations of the expression plan of the semasiological metatextual indicator: а) the variations in the parameter 'completeness of realization of the model of the metatextual indicator' ( in the ordinary sense of a word / in the ordinary sense ); b) the variations in which the 'constant' component of the model sense may be is substituted by the word meaning ( in the figurative sense / meaning ); c) in the model where the variable component varies grammatically - qualitative adjective ( in the bad / worst sense of the word). The antonymous relations charaсterize the evaluative metatextual indicators ( in the good / elevated / bad sense of the word ), the modification ones do terminological ones ( in the mathematical / geographical / historical sense of the word ) and only the semasiological metatextual indicator in the full sense of the word has the semantic variations. The open and dynamic system of the semasiological metatextual indicators has two centers ( in the ordinary sense - in a figurative sense ), which are in the additional relations and get other semasiological metatextual indicators to join in. The idea of the semantic structure of a word as discreet and as integrated formation ( in all the senses of a word, in both senses, in the full sense of the word ) has been reflected in collective ordinary metalinguistic mentality.


System approach, a semasiological metatextual indicator, semantic structure of a word, polysemy, synonyms, the variation of the expression plan of, antonyms, additional relations

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147219856   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2017-16-9-49-57

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