Seasonal biorhythms of system of blood, exchange processes, functions of the stomach and hepatic tests at runners on average distances

Автор: Ehrlich V.V.

Журнал: Человек. Спорт. Медицина @hsm-susu

Рубрика: Интегративная физиология

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.13, 2013 года.

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According to the state Energy saving PDD-5 project researches of a functional and metabolic condition of athletes of national teams of area and the Russian Federation in an annual cycle of preparation are conducted. Conceptual and technological basis of research biopower mechanisms of adaptation, detection of staging of these processes against a concentration of development of local and regional muscular endurance made, acclimatization use in middle mountains mainly in the preparatory and competitive periods. Long-term adaptation in meso-and a macrocycle of preparation includes search, developing, forming and stabilizing phases. Identification of indicators of a condition adequate to adaptation phases, identification of strong and weak links the key tasks facing preparation of athletes, training with big training loadings, including in 1/4 times in the conditions of mountain acclimatization. Prospects of development of the sports developing endurance lie in integration of the theory of adaptation into the theory of sports preparation. Without it to athletes irreparable harm is done to a functional, metabolic condition and, in a final link, to health. Elimination of athletes from sports of high achievements is observed in youthful youth age when the principle of an individualization, adequacy of applicability of loadings to a condition of athletes isn't observed.


Adaptation, acclimatization, blood system, dynamic homeostasis, anabolic and catabolic processes, enzymes, bilirubin, hormones, amino acids, integrative activity of an organism, redistribution, mitosis, phases

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IDR: 147153123

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