Shora Nogmov and Pyatigorye region: little-known information on the life of Kabardian villages in the late 18th - the first third of the 19th centuries

Автор: Fomenko Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: История

Статья в выпуске: 6, 2020 года.

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The study examines the part of the biography of the famous Kabardian historian Shora Nogmov related to Pyatigorye region (Caucasus Mineral Waters region). This aspect of Nogmov Studies is analyzed for the first time. An attempt was made to determine the location of the Kabardian village Atazhukino on the Yutsa River, where Shora Nogmov was born. The details of Sh. Nogmov’s residence in Khadzhi-aul at the foot of Mount Beshtau are specified. Khadzhi-aul is briefly described according to available written data and archaeological sources. Some information is given on neighbouring villages (Koshev, Roslambek-aul, Karmovo, Bekmurzin, Karras, Sultanovsky, etc.), which Sh. Nogmov probably visited. The author comes to the conclusion that the life of Adyghe historian Sh. Nogmov is connected to concrete historical and archaeological monuments (remains of Atazhukino village on the Yutsa River, Khadzhi-aul near Beshtau Mountain, Koshev village, etc.). The work contains practical recommendations on the preservation and use of some historical and cultural monuments of Caucasus Mineral Waters region. The article is supplemented by illustrations (a map, a diagram and photographs) of independent scientific value.


Конец xviii - первая треть xix в, north caucasus, the late 18th - the first third of the 19th century, pyatigorye, caucasian mineral waters region, shora nogmov, biographical data, kabardian villages

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IDR: 149134805   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2020.6.22

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