Siberian scientists in texts of news agencies, print media and online media in 2017

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The article investigates the figure of Siberian scientist. Siberian scientist is a researcher of one of the institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), subordinate to the Federal agency of scientific organizations. Before the reform of Russian Academy of sciences SB RAS was the largest regional branch of the Academy. It included researching institutes located on the territory of the Siberian Federal District and adjacent territories. Scientific publications of this community make a significant contribution to the overall set of scientific articles of Russian scientists. Because of it we were interested in studying the figure of Siberian scientist. However, it should be noted that not all scientific research and publications are reflected in the mass media. So the part of the topics in mass media does not correspond to the volume of scientific research of the same topics. We analyzed 120 texts published in 2017 and relevant to the request «The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (in different cases and form). The purpose of this study was to identify the semantic components of the image of «Siberian scientist» in the mass media texts (topics, science fields, and scientists). The data showed that the most often topics were safety (including ecology), medicine and management in science. This is due to the fact that in 2017 was the election of the Academy's leadership and its branches, which were also transferred from the first half of the year to the second. The most common words are: «RAS (Russian Academy of sciences)», «scientist», «institute», «Russia», «Russian», «science», «world», «scientific», «Siberian» and «Novosibirsk». The number of texts about regions directly correlates with the number of scientific institutions in this location. It is also interesting that in texts it is often indicated both geographic references: to the country and to a region. Words related to the fields of the research were «material», «potato», «preparation», «plant», «elections», «seals», «disease», «cancer», «Baikal». The most popular persons were Mikhail Lavrent'ev, Dmitry Belyaev, Valentin Parmon and Sergey Alekseenko. Two of them are historical figures and two of them are better known for their achievements in administrative work, although their scientific results are also great.


Siberian scientists, scientific communication, scientific journalism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147219979   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2018-17-6-84-88

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