«Blue suicide», current state and trends

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The essence of «suicide by cop», its specific manifestation, the so called «blue suicide» and their relationship are defined in the article. The prerequisites for committing a «blue suicide» are considered. A typology of persons resorting to «blue suicide» is formed and presented. Typical situations which can be used by a suicide to commit a «blue suicide» as well as characteristics of persons capable of committing «blue suicide» are presented in the article. The factors contributing to the decision to die through «blue suicide» are summarized and presented. Prospective directions of research on the topic under consideration are offered by the author.


"suicide by cop ", "blue suicide", suicide prevention, suicide with the help of a police officer, personality of the person who committed suicide

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140303969

IDR: 140303969

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