The syntactic organization investigative decrees (on the basis of archival documents in 1800)

Статья: The syntactic organization investigative decrees (on the basis of archival documents in 1800)

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The article discusses the syntactic organisation features of investigation decrees in Western Siberia of the early XIX century. As materials for research were chosen His Imperial Majesty investigation decrees from 1800s, which are stored in the National Archives of Tyumen region. The reference to the given texts is defined by necessity of the system-structural description for new type of administrative documents. Note that as a result of reforms in the Russian public institutions the boards were replaced by ministries, decisions began to be accepted individually. There are made the following conclusions in the article: analyzed from the standpoint of linguosource study business papers represent contamination of three functional semantic blocks (starting block, the main content block and the final block). At the same time linguistic content of each is liable to stylistic pattern - number of clauses varies from one to ten at the average. It has been established that an increasing number of such components tends to the middle part of the document - precisely in it was the main information about the organization of investigative activities. The main features of syntactic investigation decrees system in 1800 are identified as the following parameters: explication of structures «a simple predicate in the personal form + an objective infinitive», infinitive forms functioning as imperative, transformation of individual conjunctions’ stylistic orientation, isolation of objective subordinates with a particle «ли» as connective word, strengthening of isolated adjectives role expressed by participial phrase. Also it is established that representation of this or that sign from syntactic paradigm of investigation documents each time is performed with reference to their genre. In this case it is necessary to speak about interdependence of texts’ functional orientation and their language content. Represented syntactic features of investigative decrees in 1800s can be also explicated in the other business papers analysis of investigative orientation. Investigative decrees analysis has allowed to come to the following conclusion - syntactic system of investigative business papers in this period considerably templating during the given epoch. «Author’s» syllable almost implied from documents, indicating the formation of a special sub-genre of official style - investigative business language. In general, consideration of previously unexplored archival documents allows to expand our understanding of the Russian literary language formation at the beginning of the XIX century.


Investigative language of business, administrative documentation, clerical, syntactic model, investigative orders

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IDR: 147219269

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