The system of hepatic veins in Baikal seals

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The purpose of the study was detailed description of hepatic veins in Baikal seal (Phoca or Pusasibirica). The age of 24 examined animals (from 3 days to 30 years) was determined by annual rings of Fang base dentine and by the horn rollers on the claws according to the method proposed by K.K. Chapsky (1941). Classical anatomical methods, histological staining of hematoxylin with eosin, and the manufacture of corrosive prepara-tions by pre-injection with foam were used in the re-search. Hepatic veins were studied by fusion of veins I, II and III orders, form equity veins IV order, which have ampoule-like extension. From caudate process, from the four trunks of the left lateral lobe and the body of the caudate lobe, the hepatic veins flow directly into the caudal Vena cava. From three trunks of the right lateral lobe of the liver, a single trunk of V order is formed - right hepatic vein, and from the square, right and left medial lobes-the average hepatic vein. Blue blood from the liver flows into the system of hepatic veins which originate from the central veins...


Baikal seal, liver, hepatic veins, histology, x-ray, hepatic lobes, caudal vena cava

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IDR: 140238101

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