System of problem-based assignments in teaching foreign languages as a means of developing axiological competence of students

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The study considers problem-based assignments of spiritual and cognitive characters contributing to the development of axiological competence of students learning a foreign language. The undertaken analysis is aimed at justifying the objective necessity of including the axiological competence into key competences developed during the educational process, and the possibility of developing such a competence within the problem-based training of a foreign language, where problematic assignments of spiritual and cognitive character can be the means of creating the axiological competence. The analysis has shown that the axiological competence provides for the mechanism for self-identity and preconditions the educational trajectory of an individual and his or her life program as a whole. This competence is manifested in actions, attitudes, and activities of an individual. The author has identified the relation between the content of the competence with the content of general personal culture and distinguished the characteristics and skills of the axiological competence...


Axiological competence, culture, educational potential of problem-based training, problem-based assignments, foreign language

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14116858

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