Systemic lexical relations of the wordplay in the classroom bilinguals' speech

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The article is devoted to the study of lexical patterns in the speech of classroom bilinguals who use the foreign language wordplay. The analysis of the second language speech has taken its own place in the theory of language contacts, in the theory of bilingualism (in the theory of classroom bilingualism specifically), and also in the theory of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) that is popular abroad. This article is connected with a new perspective on the second language speech analysis because it reflects lingvo-creative potential of the second language speech, especially at the plane of lexical transformations. The aim of the research is to see the system mechanisms of the wordplay at the lexical language level and present the examples of the following semantic relations such as antonymy, hyponymy, incompatibility, conversing.


Classroom bilingualism, wordplay, antonymy, hyponymy, incompatibility, conversing

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147153985   |   DOI: 10.14529/ling150413

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