Investigative group in the Russian criminal procedure: analysis of historical development

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In the article notes that the use of periodization in relation to a particular concept or phenomenon allows us to clearly trace its development in the context of the historical stages of the development of the state. This approach is also applicable to the investigative group as a collective form of crime investigation. Taking into account the lack of proposals for identifying historical periods of formation and development of the investigative group as a collective form of crime investigation, the author proposed to distinguish five such stages. A brief description of each of the identified stages is given. A conclusion is drawn about the validity and applicability of this approach to considering the development of the investigative group as a collective form of crime investigation.


Collective form of crime investigation, investigative group, history, historical period

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170201296   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2023-11-1-213-215

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