Tactical and criminalistics risk investigatory situations during white-collar fraud investigation

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The article discusses the current scientific views to individual aspects of criminalistics siuationology. The general and the specific investigatory situations that typifies white-collar fraud investigation pre-trial procedure are analyzed for the purpose of assessment of the impact of their specific elements on the degree and the level of tactical criminalistics risk. statement that the concepts of the degree and the level of tactical criminalistics risk are to be divided is advanced, pattern of bondage of the degree and the level of tactical criminalistics risk to individual parts of Investigatory situation resulting during white-collar fraud investigation is advanced.


Investigatory situation, general and specific investigatory situations white-collar fraud investigation, tactical risk, degree of tactical criminalistics risk, level of tactical criminalistics risk, tactical decision

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143179962

IDR: 143179962   |   DOI: 10.55001/2587-9820.2023.64.20.025

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