Predicative words in personal and impersonal sentences (in the Russian and Buryat languages)

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State as one of universal categories is reflected in sentences. The article deals with simple sentences in the Russian and Buryat languages. Anthropocentric paradigm of modern linguistics allows consideration of sentence as a means of implementing particular communicative function - speaker's intention. We base on Galina A. Zolotova’s theory of one-/two-member sentences, impersonal sentences, and syntactical peculiarities of state category words. Zolotova interprets impersonal one-member sentences as two-member personal constructions with vivid separated predicativity and its carrier. The opposition “subjectness - subjectlessness” is not a relevant feature for sentences classification, but it gives an opportunity to differentiate personal-subjective and object-subjective sentences. The so called impersonal constructions include not only the semantic subject, but also the subject which can be expressed by nominative case, as well as by dative case. The semantic subject acts as an initiator of any activity in the nominative case, while in the dative case it expresses the optional meaning of “involutionness”. The nominative case represents the main diagnostic form of the subject, while the noun in the dative case pretends to take the first place in the sentence.


Russian language, buryat language, one-member sentences, the opposition "subjectness - subjectlessness", carrier of predicativity, nominative case, dative case, predicative words

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148183432   |   DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2016-5-3-11

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