Lexicon with the root *kras- in the space of Russian linguoculture: comparative aspect

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The aim of the study is to determine the linguocultural content of lexemes with the root *kras- in Russian phraseological units against the background of other languages. The article focuses on the comparison of the cultural component of phraseological units of the Russian language in speech based on the materials of the parallel corpus. The content of the term phraseologism in modern domestic science of language is defined. As a result of the study it was revealed that from the point of view of linguocultural approach the words-components with the root *kras- possess a wide connotative spectrum.

Phraseology, language history, linguoculturology, comparative method, root *kras-

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170205737

IDR: 170205737   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-2-121-126

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