Death and immortality in poetic world of Leonid Gubanov

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The system analysis of the basic concepts of the Leonid Gubanov's poetic world is carried out. Leonid Gubanov (1946-1983) is known as the founder of the legendary SMOG (The Youngest society of Men of Genius), one of the leaders of the Moscow underground poetry in sixties and seventies. The results show that Death and Immortality are the general categories of the Gubanov's poetic world. Thus, the death is perceived by the poet not as an abstract category, but as a deeply personal existential experience. The special attention is given to the anthropomorphizing of death, as likening of any subjects or phenomena to the person is one of the main devices of Gubanov's poetics.


Basic concepts, death and immortality, poetic world, existential experience, anthropomorphizing, poetic device

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