CO2-gas exchange in Pisum sativum of different morphotypes during early root drought under the influence of succinic acid and

Автор: Klochkova N.M., Akanov E.N., Tretyakov N.N.

Журнал: Сельскохозяйственная биология @agrobiology

Рубрика: Регуляторы роста растений

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.39, 2004 года.

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In laboratory and vegetation experiments the authors studied the influence of succinic acid, epin and its mixture on the growth, CO2-gas exchange and also photosynthetic and respiratory activity in Pisum sativum of two morphotypes (tendril and leaflet) during moisture deficiency. The possibility of usage of the correlation between photosynthesis and respiration activities for estimation of the plants adaptive potential (tolerance to drought). It was shown that succinic acid is the most effective compound positive affecting on CO2-gas exchange and productivity of pea plants as under optimal conditions as in the moisture deficiency. The pea plants of leaflet-type are more tolerant to early root drought in comparison with plants of tendril-type.


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IDR: 142132951

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