Social-­economical problems of creating the territories of traditional land use

Автор: Shishatsky N.G., Kirko V.I., Keush A.V.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Management, Economy

Статья в выпуске: 7, 2012 года.

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The article analyzes the concept of ‘territory of traditional nature use’, addresses the social-­economic and legal problems of the concept of territories of traditional nature. The authors propose an approach to solving the problems of the concept. Highlighted criteria for establishing boundaries and implementation phases of the concept of territories of traditional nature. The result of a comprehensive study of the concept should be a standard design of the unit territories of traditional nature.

Territories of traditional land use, native indigenous populations of the North

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IDR: 148320436

Список литературы Social-­economical problems of creating the territories of traditional land use

  • Land Code of the Russian Federation [electronic resource]: the federal law of 25.10.2001 № 136-FZ (as amended on 12.12.2011) // ATP Consultant Plus.
  • Forest Code of the Russian Federation [electronic resource]: the federal law of 04.12.2006 № 200-FZ (as amended on 06.12.2011) // ATP Consultant Plus.
  • On territories of traditional nature of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian Federation [electronic resource]: the federal law of 07.05.2001 № 49-FZ (as amended on 12.03.2008) // ATP Consultant Plus.
  • On general principles of local self-­‐government in the Russian Federation [electronic resource]: the federal law of 06.10.2003 № 131-­‐FZ (as amended on 06.12.2011, as amended. From 07.12.2011) // ATP Consultant Plus.
  • On the Concept of Sustainable Development of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian Federation [electronic resource]: the RF Government of 04.02.2009 № 132-­‐p // ATP Consultant Plus.
  • Legal Guide for Indigenous Peoples of Siberia and the Far East. M. RAIPON, 2003. Pp. 133-­‐ 141.
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