Social economy indicator on constructing forest sustainability in Bali

Автор: Sanjaya P.K.A., Nuratama I.P., Diputra G.I.S.

Журнал: Научный вестник Южного института менеджмента @vestnik-uim

Рубрика: Горизонты новой экономики

Статья в выпуске: 2 (30), 2020 года.

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Forestry issue has ever been discussed in conference of United Nation Framework Conventionon Climate Change about deforestation that happens because industrialization that oriented toward economicalgrowth and ignores environment aspect that can cause global warming. In Bali, sustainability has been a pplied sincelong time ago. It can be proved by the existence of tumpek wariga that makes an appreciation respect directly tothe plants is an embodiment of environmental sustainability as a manifestation of local wisdom. This is insufficientremember the fact that the condition of Bali’s forests has been distorted. This analysis aims to know the simultaneous and partial influences and the most dominant determinants affecting forest sustainability. Within the lifetimedata and analysis of adaptive partial adjustment model double log, this analysis found the fact that simultanouselyand partially Domestic Product Regional Bruto, the amount of citizen, regional autonomy policy and forest sustainability condition on previous year has significant influence toward forest sustainability during the period of thisanalysis...


Domestic product regional bruto, the amount of citizen, regional autonomy, local wisdom, partialadjustment model

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IDR: 143171130   |   DOI: 10.31775/2305-3100-2020-2-17-26

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