Social services for the elderly at home: organization, principles and types

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The article presents the features of the organization of social services for the elderly at home in the Russian Federation, the basic principles and types of activities. The basic principles of service at home are highlighted: equal access to social services, favorable conditions, targeting of services provided, voluntariness, a comfortable environment, confidentiality. The directions of activity of social services are defined: the development of an effective system of social assistance in the subjects of the Russian Federation, improving the quality of service to recipients of services, improving the quality of life of citizens for whom assistance is provided, the establishment of certain conditions of social service. Social services at home include social and household, socio-medical, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-legal services. The recipient of social services has the right to independently choose the organization that will provide the service, the type of service provided, and receive the necessary information about the possibility of receiving social services.


Elderly, social services for the elderly, social services at home, social services, types of social services, recipient of social services

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IDR: 170203316   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-106-110

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