Social standards in the system of state regulation of sustainable rural development

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This study focuses on the need to use state social standards in the system of state regulation of rural development to determine the priorities of rural development policy and monitor the effectiveness of its implementation. The development of rural areas as a subsystem of the country's economy as a whole needs to be modernized. However, despite a number of measures taken in recent years to improve the situation in their development, the scale of their depopulation, social degradation and impoverishment of the population is progressing. At the state level, there should be clearly defined targets and indicators of a decent standard of living for rural residents in the form of social standards of life and life support for rural residents, which are legally fixed. Social standards, being uniform for the entire territory of the country, can also serve as a reference point for the spatial development of Russia, contribute to the alignment of social space, concentrate resources on priority areas of social policy, which will smooth out interregional differentiation, level the level and quality of life of rural residents throughout its territory.


Social standards, sustainable development of rural areas, state regulation, agricultural policy, spatial development

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IDR: 143176167

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