Content of cobalt and copper in organs, tissues and milk of buffaloes

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The materials for our research were the liver, muscles, blood of buffalo calves (up to one month of age) and the liver, muscles, blood and milk of buffaloes forcedly slaughtered on the farm itself and at the meat processing plant. Samples from the organs were taken into clean beakers, and the milk was milked into pre-prepared containers. Samples were taken in the spring-summer and autumn periods of 2021-2022. Based on the data obtained, the author concluded that the content of cobalt and copper in the organs and tissues of buffalo calves and female buffaloes varies widely. As studies have shown, the cobalt content in buffalo milk was 7.2±0.25 μg/l, and copper 71.35±3.3 μg/l.


Cobalt, copper, domestic buffaloes, organs, buffalo milk

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129707   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/32

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