Content-technological determinants of the formation process of professionally-applied physical training of 1-3 courses cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - future members of special units

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The article presents the results of long-term researches. The didactic model effectiveness of professionally-applied physical education formation process of 1-3 courses cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - future members of special units was developed and proved. Methodological basis of the model was fundamental theories of professional-applied physical education in accordance with which the structure of this personal phenomenon integrates three basic components: intellectual, socially-psychological (motivational and consumable) and the actually- biological. The essence of the intellectual component is a certain amount of theoretical knowledge that reflects the content and patterns of the chosen professional activity development. Socially-psychological (motivational and consumable) component is characterized by students motivation specific structure to mastering the basics of professional activity which in many ways determines the final performance of professional training process. The basis of the actually-biological component is the systematic development of professionally important physical, mental, emotional and volitional qualities, contributing to the development of official duties. In the course of the characteristics of content and technological determinants of the formation of the professional-applied physical education of 1-3 courses cadets we have obtained the following research results: - the content of theoretical, practical and self-training of students; - technological peculiarities of the basic components of professional-applied physical education formation of 1-3 courses cadets; - main recommendations for assessing the achievements of students during the professional-applied physical education formation.


Professional-applied physical training, basic components of professional-applied physical education, cadets of 1-3 courses of the educational institutions of the ministry of internal affairs of the rf, content-technological determinants

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IDR: 14263924

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