Some features of management at small businesses

Автор: Sharipova Z.R.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 12 (57), 2021 года.

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Modern economic theory and practical state policy attach special and multifaceted importance to small business, linking the achievement of the most important goals of socio-economic development of states and individual territories with the dynamic development of this sector of the economy. In the process of managing economic systems, the task of differentiating management approaches often arises, depending not only on the level, scope and forms of ownership of economic systems, but also on the scale of a separate economic unit, which is an enterprise. The functioning of production in small forms of entrepreneurship (small enterprises, Small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs) creates additional effects of the development of the country's economy, as it generates additional market supply and demand for products and services, as well as labor resources, which, among other things, stimulates competition; contributes to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, also encouraging large enterprises to introduce new technologies and increase efficiency. The article analyzes some features of management in small business entities.


Business, small business, entrepreneurship, management, management theory

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IDR: 140289241

Список литературы Some features of management at small businesses

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