Community structure of testate amoebae in the Yukseevo pine forests litter after wild fires (Krasnoyarsk region, Siberia)

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The research is directed at the analysis of specific structure of communities of testate amoebae in forest habitats after the impact of fire. The objects of the re-search are communities of testate amoebae in pine for-ests of Yukseevsky forest area (northern border of Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe, Bolshemurtinsky area, Krasnoyarsk Region), one of which is control site, and two have undergone the fire (in 1996 and in 2006). In total 27 types and infraspecies taxons of testate amoe-bae have been identified, the most plentiful are: Cy-clopyxis eurystoma (14 % of the total), Trinema lineare (12 %), Trinema complanatum (7.5 %), Centropyxis orbicularis (7.5 %), Corythion orbicularis (7.1 %) and Euglypha rotund (6.6 %). The quantity of the types in communities varies from 7 to 19, the greatest specific variety is noted in moss tow and the top layer of laying (the subhorizon of L) of a pine forest mixed grasses (control site); least of all types it is noted in the subhori-zon L on ashes of 2006, here 10 years later after the fire in low-power laying types, characteristic for the organo-mineral soil horizons are fixed, the proportion of eury-biontic species Cyclopyxis, Trinema is high...


Testate amoebae, forest ground litter, restoration of communities of testate amoebas, fires

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IDR: 140238112

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