Nozzles of the bronze age from North West Siberia

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Purpose: Becoming metalworking production in the north of Western Siberia is one of the controversial issues of ancient history. Engineers implementing more than a quarter century migration model, it is believed that the skills of Foundry and the necessary raw materials (copper and bronze ) were distributed South Siberian populations left Seima-Turbino objects of Northern Eurasia. According to the proposed concept, the archaeological remains of the Bronze Age in North West Siberia should be included in the forest zone of the Asian part of the Eurasian metallurgical province early in the third period of its existence (XV/XIV-XIII/XII centuries BC), when there are things Samus'-Kizhirovo appearance. However, the reconstructed historical processes and the proposed dates contradict the archaeological data. Materials early Polym'yat settlements on river Konda indicate that the population of the taiga area was familiar with the metal already pte-Seyma time. Here cast for example, semi-finished work piece predetermined shape and parameters, that is owned by simple technological schemes prevalent in Circumpontic metallurgical province at its late phase. Results: The subject of the study are ceramic nozzles from Bronze Age settlements in the north of Western Siberia. They are associated with pottery Polym'yat, Sartynya, Kul'yogan and Vary-Khadyta (or Yorkutinskaya?) types. According to experts the emergence of these products may indicate the use of thermal structures and demonstrate a high level of metalworking. Northern materials refer to the beginning of the Bronze Age on regional periodization or before Seyma time and are not related to migrations Seima-Turbino populations. Becoming a local metal production can be explained by diffusion otherwise Given the presence of residues of metal production forepart in the north part of Western Siberia, and in particular, the findings of ceramic nozzles may assume that they were associated not so much with the physical migration (although it would be wrong to deny them completely), but the exchange of technology among different groups Ural-Siberian population. Conclusion: Established pulse-meridional communication not only broke, but further strengthened in the Bronze Age, when taiga population Ob-Irtysh appeared steady demand for the metal and articles there of. Considerable distances moved not only raw materials but also transferred the technology of its processing. However, the exchange of information in a relational environment that took place during the Bronze Age, affected not only the field of metalworking. Northerners have joined the molding technology cookware hard templates as overturned pots and used types of stone products that meet certain periods paleometal era.


West siberia, pre-seima time, sartynya culture, nozzles, diffusion, technology, polym'yat settlements, varpaule pottery type, kul'yogan pottery type, metalworking

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IDR: 147219053

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