Grain sorghum as a possible source of raw material for its processing into starch and alcohol

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Sorghum is extensively used in the food industry, as raw material for the production of starch production and alcohol. The main purpose of sorghum culture in Russia is forage for farm animals. Sorghum grain use as raw materials for the production of starch, alcohol and bioethanol, is not enough studied today. The main advantage of grain sorghum is a high content of starch (70-80 %) and protein (12-14 %) micro- and macroelements, amino acids, vitamins making it valuable raw material for the food industry. The aim of the research was to identify new high-yielding varieties of sorghum suitable for the production of starch and alcohol. The characteristic of new varieties of sorghum grain was presented in the study according to the content of starch within 70.10-78.60 % of the studied varieties Premiere, Slavyanka, ROS, Kinel 63, as well as promising varieties in competition testing - the variety Sovereign, and in controlling the nursery - L-28/14, L-246/17, L 267/17. A comparative analysis of grain and leguminous crops by chemical composition was also carried out and biochemical composition of grain of sorghum varieties for 2017-2019 was analyzed, and the yield of alcohol from the studied varieties was obtained using theoretical calculation. The highest yield of alcohol 49.5 gave 1 ton of raw materials in the promising variety L-28/14, since this variety has very high starch content - 77.43 % and a high yield of 4.11 t/hectare.


Sorghum, grain, variety, yield, starch, alcohol

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250540   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-10-95-100

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