Spring soft wheat cultivar of intensive type ‘gonets’

Автор: Korobeinikov Nikolay I., Valekzhanin Vitaly S.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2021 года.

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The aim of research is to study the biological characteristics and economically useful traits of the new ‘Gonets’ variety. Research objectives: description and analysis of morphological characteristics and developmental features of a new variety; experimental determination of the level of grain productivity of the ‘Gonets’ variety and its advantages in comparison with the standard; analysis of the structure of the yield, as well as the assessment of grain quality traits and the level of resistance of the variety to fungal diseases and lodging. In the Altai selection center, from a hybrid combination from the crossing of the local number Lutescens 665/1 and Lutescens 052 (Germany), a highly productive line Lutescens 1190 was isolated, which was transferred to the GSI as the ‘Gonets’ variety in 2020. ‘Gonets’ belongs to the lutescens variety: in the phase of waxy ripeness it has a white, awnless, not pubescent ear and red grain. During the tillering period, the bush is upright, with a waxy bloom and medium pubescence of the leaf blades. The straw is thick, strong, partially made, 60-75 cm high, depending on the conditions of the agricultural background. The spike is cylindrical in shape, large (7.5-8 cm), dense (24 spikelets per 10 cm of the stem) with spike-like processes (0.5-1 cm) at the top. In the competitive variety trials for pure fallow, on average for 4 years, the ‘Gonets’ exceeded the standard in yield by 1.28 t/ha (33.5 %). The maximum yield of the variety was obtained in a production test at the Poultry Factory Zarya, Krasnoyarsk Region, where it was 8.92 t/ha, which is 2.75 t/ha (44.6 %) higher than the Altayskaya 75 variety. The ‘Gonets’ variety is highly resistant to lodging, is not affected by dust smut, brown rust and powdery mildew, and is weakly susceptible to stem rust. It forms a large, high-quality grain with an average gluten content of 28.3 % over 4 years of study. According to the complex of quality features, the new variety belongs to valuable wheat.


Initial forms, selection of parental components, hybridization, individual selection, line, structural feature, yield, grain quality, ecological test, variety

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140290051

IDR: 140290051   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-11-32-38

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