Biryuza - grade of winter wheat

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Variety soft winter wheat Turquoise established jointly by the Krasnodar research Institute of agriculture named after p. P. Lukyanenko and Samara research Institute of agriculture named after N. M. Tulikova individual selection from a hybrid population F2 [F1 (Lutescens 1985 h 331 x Lutescens 4523 h 42) x F1 ( Kingfisher x 6687-12-Bulgaria)]. The authors of the varieties: Bundles, Y. M., G. D. Nabokov, Solarek T. F., Bespalova L. A., Fomenko N. P. from the Krasnodar research Institute of agriculture named after p. P. Lukyanenko; Knyazkova, S. R., Kiselev V. A., Sukhorukov A. F. from the Samara research Institute of agriculture named after N. M. Tulaikov. The grade included in the State register and admitted to use in the Central Chernozem and Middle Volga regions. Valuable wheat. Patent No. 4708. 07. 04. 2009. Tests of varieties carried out in 2001-2016. on the experimental base of the Samara research Institute of agriculture and public trial. Range of biotic and abiotic stressors over the years of trials allowed to objectively evaluate the economic-biological features and properties of varieties. The variety lutescens. The cylindrical ear shape, medium length, medium density, has stevenie processes. Shoulder lower Koloskova scales elevated. Tooth short, obtuse. Grain polutropos form. 1000-grain weight 38-42 g. plant Height 85-105 cm Average grain yield of varieties over the years 2001-2016 in the competitive test in Samara niiskh - 3,24 t/ha, 0.38 t/ha above crop varieties - standard bezenchukskaya 380. The maximum harvest of 7.07 t/ha. In the stations of the Samara region grain yield of varieties at the average for 2007-2016. Of 2.81 to 3.55 t/ha 0,52 - 0,48 t/ha above the crop highly adapted varieties of Povolzhskaya 86. In the Republic of Tatarstan at the level of yield of 3.36 - 5.3 t/ha grade Turquoise exceeded the standard at 0, 5 t/ha. In the Republic of Mordovia with a yield of 4.69 - 5,16 t/ha yield increase to the standard made 0, 79 t/ha. the yield Increase is generated due to the number of grains per spike. Winter hardiness of varieties is above average. Grade Slaboshpytsky to powdery mildew, srednevolzhskiy to brown rust (degree of damage 40 %). On average, 10 years (2006-2015) in-situ grain weight 768 g/l falling number of 325 C., mass fraction of protein in grain of 14.1 %, wet gluten in grain - 34,1 %, calorimetrically rating - 66,0 units calorimetry. Overall assessment of bread - 4.1 points.


Winter wheat, variety, yield, morphology, varieties, grain quality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148205190

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