Composition and semantics of adverbs of time in Russian folk lyric songs

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The purpose of the article is to compare the lexical composition of the adverbs of time using the example of dialect speech and folk lyric songs, determine their semantics, and identify common components characteristic of all three implementations of the general linguistic system, and specific components fixed in a particular corpus of texts. The research methodology included the method of distributive analysis, the comparative method, and the method of component analysis. The study of this topic is quite relevant, since the study of adverbs of time in folklore materials involves solving a range of problems related to the specifics of the representation of this phenomenon in various implementations of the general linguistic system. In using adverbial modifiers of time, the folklore language system drew upon dialect speech, but at the same time it underwent certain processing from an aesthetic point of view. The novelty of the work lies in a rare attempt to compare the adverbs of time functioning in folk lyric songs and dialect speech. The main conclusion is that in folk lyric songs the composition and semantics of adverbial modifiers of time are narrower than in dialect speech, and songs also avoid using numerous narrow local adverbs of time.


Folklore, russian folk lyric song, dialect, adverbs of time, semantics

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IDR: 147243801   |   DOI: 10.15393/

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