Hemodynamics condition and lipid blood spectrum in gerontological age patients with multiple diseases association

Автор: Ponomareva M.N., Kliashev S.M., Sazonov N.N., Elmer L.I., Konovalova N.A.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Кардиология

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.12, 2008 года.

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208 gerontological patients with chronic cerebral insufficiency, dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DEP), were examined by using ultrasound Doppler sonography, 110 of them had pathology of optic nerve. The study focused on the features of carotid system blood stream and lipid metabolism in patients with vascular pathology of optic nerve. A considerable decrease in velocity characteristics of hemodynamic blood stream parameters in internal carotid artery (ICA) and optic nerve vessels of central retinal artery (CRA) and cilial arteries (CA) was observed as against those of the age norm. Lipid metabolism disorders in the form of border-lines of hypercholesterolemia were typical for patients having a combination of abnormalities, such as pathology of optic nerve, DEP, arterial hypertension and CHD, with IIa, IIb, IV phenotypes being the most atherogenic.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142233436

IDR: 142233436

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