State of affairs with the federal framework of social welfare in the population in Russia

Бесплатный доступ

The paper presented the survey of the Public (Federal) Social Welfare framework, presented the factors entailing their low efficiency, despite the huge public investment in this institution. The reasons for this lie in the practice of a "blindly delegating" the state powers to the municipal level, that gives rise to lack of control over the budget expenditures. The paper sorted out the main tactics of budget allocations’ "withdrawal" from the target consumer and revealed the gaps in the approaches to the State budget’ allocation, and presented the author’s pattern of this procedure that makes it possible to send significant additional resources to the "challenged" regions. In addition, the study examined operation of the regional social welfare bodies, and highlighted shortcomings in their operation, with the ways to overcome them. The paper also presented the techniques of intensive development of the social welfare network in population that enable increasing significantly the network purposefulness within the current (ongoing) funding, that seems to be extremely important while a tough budgetary shortfall incurred.


Social welfare network, intensive and extensive advancement techniques, public investment, enhancing the network purposefulness

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14950692   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2015-7-5/2-163-177

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