The state and dynamics of family structures in modern Russia as a challenge to its civilizational development
Автор: Dobrokhleb V.G.
Журнал: Народонаселение @narodonaselenie
Рубрика: Особенности современных семей
Статья в выпуске: S1 т.27, 2024 года.
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The study examines aggravation of the problems of demographic dynamics and the state of family structures in modern Russia as a challenge to its civilizational development. civilizational The objectives of the work are: to consider theoretical approaches to the dynamics of family and marriages in the country, to analyze the state of the marital structure of the Russian population, as well as the structure of families with children; to substantiate the conclusion that transition from small to large families in Russia is a way to overcome depopulation and preserve the Russian civilization. UN analysts conclude that by the middle of the 21st century, Russia will lose its status as one of the most populated countries in the world - in 2022 Russia ranked 9th in the ranking of the most populated countries. Aggravation of the problems of demographic dynamics, primarily the increasing depopulation, is becoming the most significant challenge to the civilizational development of the country. Marital status of the population of modern Russia is of particular interest for our study. The marriage structure shows that at the age of over 16, one third of the country’s population has not indicated a marital status or has never been married, almost one in five residents of our country (19.5%) can be classified as «marriage wrecks», and only less than half of Russians (49.0% of the population of marriageable ages) are married, and among them 4.4% of the population aged 16+ are in an unregistered marriage. At the same time, the interest in marriage remains significant for the residents of our country - in 2022 the marriage rate was 7.2‰. According to the latest All-Russian Population Census, the share of families with children under the age of 18 with one child is 49%, with two children - 38%, with three - 10%, with four - 2%, with five or more - 1%. Overcoming civilizational challenges, including demographic ones, is conditioned by effective strategies in the social and political spheres. Social construction of a better future in the demographic sphere is the most urgent and difficult goal of modern Russia.
Civilization, demographic dynamics, family structure, marital structure, demographic policy
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 143183036 | DOI: 10.24412/1561-7785-2024-S1-17-27