Cardiohemodynamics condition of girls-sportswomen of cyclic kinds of sports with various types of blood circulation

Автор: Bykov Evgenij Vitalevich, Potapova Tatyana Vladimirovna, Bakhareva Anastasija Sergeevna

Журнал: Человек. Спорт. Медицина @hsm-susu

Рубрика: Интегративная физиология

Статья в выпуске: 7 (140), 2009 года.

Бесплатный доступ

The article reflects the peculiarities of cardiac rhythm and systolic discharge regulation of girls-sportswomen of cyclic kinds of sports with various types of blood circulation.

Cardiac rhythm, blood circulation type, systolic discharge

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147152666

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