Improvement measures to prevent criminal acts, polluting the natural environment and its components

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Introduction: The article discusses a set of measures aimed at preventing criminal acts polluting the environment and its components. The study purpose is to identify and analyze problems that have a place in the field of environmental crime prevention, and the development of practical recommendations aimed at eliminating them. Materials and Methods: the methodological basis of the study is a set of general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition of social processes, including a generalization of theoretical material, a comparative legal method, and a system analysis method. Results of the Study: the definition of the prevention of environmental crimes polluting the natural environment is formulated; suggested ways to improve measures aimed at preventing criminal environmental pollution. Findings and Conclusions: to carry out successful work on the prevention of environmental crimes that pollute the environment, significant material, organizational and other costs, cooperation and coordination of efforts of many state and public structures and organizations for the implementation of a range of law enforcement, legal, economic, technological, social, educational and other measures are necessary. It seems that the practical implementation of the proposed recommendations to improve measures aimed at preventing criminal pollution of the natural environment will contribute to improving the effectiveness of law enforcement in this area.


Environmental pollution, environmental crimes, crime prevention

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IDR: 143173239   |   DOI: 10.24411/2312-3184-2020-10055

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