Improving the efficiency assessment of the digital transport infrastructure of the region

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This article discusses scientific developments regarding the assessment of transport system efficiency and transport infrastructure. In the course of the study, scientific papers in the areas indicated above were analyzed in detail. A distinctive feature of the research of Russian scientists in the last decade is the emphasis on various manifestations of scientific and technological progress. This feature is associated with the accelerated development of various technologies and their widespread impact on the life of a modern person, as well as, in general, on the social and economic system. In the paper, special attention is paid to the digital transport infrastructure of the region. The concept and its key features are given. Such a focus of the study is associated with the essential importance of the digital transformation process within the social and economic development of the region. According to the author’s definition, digital transport infrastructure affects the entire transport complex and includes transport infrastructure, innovation, communication, and information. Digital transport infrastructure is defined by the following features: a higher "speed" of transport infrastructure; a high level of mobility among the population; and an increased degree of security. Such a focus of the study is associated with the essential importance of the digital transformation process within the socio-economic development of the region. At the moment, there are no comprehensive methodology for assessing the effectiveness of digital transport infrastructure. The lack of assessment tools is due to the complexity of the concept of digital transport infrastructure as well as the lack of knowledge of the issue of digital transformation in the transport complex as a whole. The authors suggest a matrix of indicators for an efficiency assessment of the functioning of the digital transport infrastructure in the region. The developed matrix consists of four blocks and corresponds to structural elements of the digital transport infrastructure (transport infrastructure, innovation, communication, and information) and is built in accordance with the following criteria: mobility, speed, security, and control. Based on the suggested matrix of indicators, it is possible to calculate the integral index of digitalization of transport infrastructure in the region, which will allow adjusting long-term goals within the social and economic development of a particular region.


Transport infrastructure, regional digital transport infrastructure, digitalization, methodology, matrix of indicators

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IDR: 149145172   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2023.4.1

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