Improvement of labor payment at the enterprises of military-industrial complex on the basis of the grading

Автор: Turchihina G.S., Sebekina T.I., Lysenko A.N.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2017 года.

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The theoretical principles of remuneration at enterprises of the military-industrial complex have been considered, the role of wages in the income structure of workers has been defined. With the aim of improving the system of remuneration of labor at enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the growth and activity of employees it is necessary to use flexible wage systems. As the level of remuneration of employees and the total amount of funds allocated for salaries, determined the end results of production, flexible wage system is more and more economically attractive for the owner. But, despite the apparent benefits of the flexible systems of remuneration, they are still not widespread. One of the most efficient remuneration systems is a grading. The distribution of the working by grading occurs on the basis of their scores. For this purpose, various indicators of labour assessment of professions of workers and positions of employees are used. The proposed activities will strengthen the motivational function of wages; it will be more effective to stimulate productive and skilled labor. At the enterprises of the military-industrial complex it will be able flexibly and quickly to react to changes in the external and internal environment, including in the labour market and the wage system that would take into account the economic possibilities of the enterprise, its specificity and peculiarities of activities, and would provide an adequate level of wages. The background and the main problems of improving the system of remuneration of labor at enterprises of the military-industrial complex have been researched. The grading system and the distribution of the positions of employees of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the indicators have been identified for evaluation are presented. The size range of wage rates is based on the data. The structure of wages before and after the introduction of grading system at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex has been identified. It resulted in positive effects after the implementation of the payroll system on the basis of grading.


Military-industrial complex, enterprise, wages, grading, remuneration system

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IDR: 148177686

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