Improvement of legal remedies of countering threats to information security of the Russian Federation

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The development and deep penetration of information and communication technologies and products into our daily lives not only accelerates the economic development of the state and the establishment of information society, but also creates conditions for increased criminal interest in the use thereof. Analysis of crime data and law enforcement practice confirm the supposed negative trends showing magnification of criminal use of telecommunications, especially when committing crimes against property. Notable is the spread of illegal activities that pursue the goal of evading responsibility for crimes committed. The thesis draws attention to the active use in criminal activities of “social engineering” techniques, that are largely dependent on the personal data. Identified in the paper as well are the features that serve to increase the public danger of illegal use of communication means, such as anonymity and cross-border elements, among others. Given the identified criminological conditions, data is provided on some ongoing legislative initiatives and proposals, feasible from the point of view of the need for legal regulation aimed at improving the legal means of countering threats to the information security of the Russian Federation.


Information security, information and communication technologies, illegal circulation of personal data, “social engineering” techniques, phishing

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14131490   |   DOI: 10.47475/2311-696X-2024-42-3-75-79

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