Improvement of the professional development system of municipal employees

Автор: Pankratova A.A., Ryabova T.M.

Журнал: Форум молодых ученых @forum-nauka

Статья в выпуске: 12 (40), 2019 года.

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The need to develop the problem is also due to the fact that there was a need to create a national system of vocational training and improve the management of the process of professional development of municipal employees based on advanced technologies in the context of the formation of local self-government. Due to errors in management, there is a certain disorganization of personnel processes, inability to analyze them. Management of professional development is often interpreted as a one-way process, going from top to bottom. The role of centralism in personnel processes has been exaggerated. The professional development of employees is hampered by irregular career processes.


Public service, municipal service, professional training of state and municipal employees, management, professional development

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